November Cup 2016: An experience for Gamers in the UK
November Cup: Available on YouTube

Hosted on 10th of November of 2016 by Tournaments Team

Directed and produced by Skull Sir Tournaments Team. Who were the likely winners?

A huge thanks to the team that was part of this event:

Ben “Grosgo” – Colour commentator
Harry “DocDa” – Colour commentator
GAME Portsmouth Store management

Click on to start binge watching the YouTube Playlist.

Hosted via YouTube HD 1080p
November Cup 2016: Full Tournament Playlist available in HD via YouTube

Did you know this was the first ever Tournament directed and Produced by Skull Sir Media? The sequel to this tournament is our very own Summoner Showdown 2017.

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Casted by Skull Sir, Produced by LionsCreed
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