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Our Plans for the rest of 2020

Many of our visitors are most likely wondering what comes next for our Media brand; we have had multiple volunteers come forward to help out in many different ways. We are really thankful that so many care just enough to offer a piece of their skills to improve both the website and the tournaments that we are involved in.

Our clear plan is to keep working with different organisations to bring both the entertainment and media to our viewer’s screens. Our recent collaborations with and were very successful and we are proud to showcase this to you all through this website and through our social media channels.

While we want to be a part of many different tournaments, cups and Esports leagues, we would also like to expand our presence on

Twitch has been the centre of Esports since its release in 2011, their commitment and passion for Esports and games have led to many great moments of entertainment and pure skilled gameplay.

By presence on Twitch, we mean that we would like to grow a channel that contains Esports focused content, such as Interviews; Podcasts; Gameplay; Game Commentary; and a variety of content. While we are very aware that growing on Twitch is as hard as it can be, we are willing to give this a try in 2020!

The plan as of now is to start streaming once a week on the Skull Sir channel and who knows? Maybe we can become a regular presence on Twitch. However, the main focus will always be Esports, we would eventually intend to stream a variety of entertainment.

We would really appreciate your feedback on this plan. The best way to provide feedback is by leaving a comment or by sending a tweet!

Thank you for reading this and visiting the website,
Skull Sir Media Team