

If you wish to contact our admin team for a site-related matter, please do so by emailing [email protected].

If you experience any bugs while using our websites, please report them to our admin email as well.


Got a business proposal you can’t wait to tell us about? Email [email protected].

Please have a clear structure on your offer otherwise it will be rejected.


Would you like to co-organise a Tournament with us? Or would you like to hire a caster for your tournament? Either way, email us at [email protected].

We’re looking for casters, producers, players and many other roles!


Our writers are always looking for fresh ideas, forward yours to [email protected].

Could be related to Esports, Tournaments, Football or Social Media.

Privacy Policy Updates:

Please note that any email is heavily spam filtered, any unlabelled product advertisements or inappropriate emails will be deleted automatically by our email provider. To avoid this please have a sensible email address, subject and email body.

Any attachments sent to these mailboxes will also not be opened if they come from an unrecognised address and/or may be filtered automatically by our Spam AI.