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This previous weekend, CLUE, Skull Sir and others came together in support of the Guy and St. Thomas Charity. A very successful 24 hour event with a massive production behind it.

Within the event, we assisted Skull Sir (Play by Play) and MaskedSwan (Colour Caster) analyse and commentate a League of Legends Tournament. The likes of Initialise also commentated the early parts of the Tournament. The Grand Finals were taken by the Pigeons as the surprise winners.

Massive thanks to CLUE and for having us cast a part of the League of Legends tournament, overall it seemed to be a very successful event as over £2000 were raised in aid of the Guy and St. Thomas Charity.

We have now uploaded the VOD’s to our social media channels and you are able to watch both of the Parts on YouTube and on Please use the links below to navigate to the social media channels. If you missed this event, you can always catch up using the VOD’s and by following @SkullSIR on Twitter.

Catch up using YouTube HD: (Part 1); (Part 2)

Catch up using (Part 1); (Part 2)

What was your favourite part of the 24H event? Let us know in the comments.

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