
Hi! I am Skull Sir and I am the man behind the screen, the person who usually works on the site, content and all aspects of the media brand. The media aspect of “Skull Sir” can be traced back to 2012, however, a website has never been released up until 2020; with the domain being purchased in 2015. Don’t think I do this by myself; as there is a list of names that make “Skull Sir Media” possible. From testing websites to working on Tournaments with me, everything is done as a team. I enjoy the collaboration aspect of this Brand and also working as a unit towards a common goal. This is why you might never see a Solo Production or a Solo Cast.

I’m sure you don’t care much about the man behind the screen but I am a fairly young gamer who is pursuing a career within the Esports industry, I enjoy creating all types of content but I am unsure of what to focus on most of the time! I love casting, producing and even the organisation aspect of Esports events.

My long-term goal for Media is to make it a sustainable entertainment Brand, but to also keep it fun and light! I don’t believe this will ever grow past a small freelance Brand and I’m okay with this. Just think of this website as an awesome portfolio that showcases the projects the Skull Sir Media brand has been a part of.

I do always need help here and there with certain events, if you’d like to take part in any of them, from helping to playing please use the Contact page to do so.